I haven't heard what my friends in Buenos Aires thought of the debate yet. (I hope they all had fun at El Sacramento bar.) But, I have to agree it with Eugene Robinson of the Washington post when he said it was the strangest debate he has seen.
To begin with, everyone was expecting a train wreck that never occurred. Palin held her own. But she managed to do it mainly without answering the questions posed to her. She did her best to channel Ronald Reagan. Not sure she succeeded, but she avoided the train wreck.
Biden did well by providing facts and giving proof that he had the experience, knowledge, and judgment to take over the top job if need be.
As far as swaying my vote, I think the debate had an effect. I have always described myself as a McCain maverick. However, in this campaign he has not shown good judgment or leadership skills. And, he has severely disappointed me on key positions. The Palin pick was the final straw that put me in Obama's camp.
It was summed up well on CNN tonight when an analyst said, "During a 9-11 like event while the president is stuck on Air Force One, who do you want in the situation room making the gut decisions on which planes to take down and who to bomb."
That vision puts things clearly in perspective. Don't it!
We had a great time! Again, there was a huge turnout. Check out my flickr stream (blmurch). I'm trying to post my writeup, but livejournal isn't responding. Blogging fail!!
Thanks Beatrice... I've update the link in the article to point to your photos on Flickr!
Thanks Dave - that's cool! Livejournal finally came back to life and I posted my thoughts. I'm going to sleep now... LJ still might be flaky, but here's the link.
I still don't understand how Palin supporters can see her as a competent President candidate.
Your summary is mine: I've been a very slightly left-leaning independent for a long time, but two years ago I'd have happily supported a McCain candidacy.
I've respected his work as a Senator, for the most part, and was uninspired by the candidates the democrats were shuffling out (but oh how I mourn the loss of Bill Richardson as a possibility).
But McCain's presidential campaign has been a disaster, and the politician up there now isn't the "maverick" I'd have supported.
I admit I was never a McCain fan, never knew much about him really, but I learned a lot about his background in this new Rolling Stone article.
Rolling Stone article
Hi Dave, Good to have you back home...as for the Palin thing, lost all interest in McCain, not that I was ever a fan :)!!!
However the gossip rags being paraded day and nite in front of my nose, could have the opposite effect on me; I will never vote for Obama. and McCain can get lost. He could open a Buick dealership in Mongolia and manage it in person, and never come back to bother us again.
he he he.....
...welcome back kid.
Hi Dave,
We met at the Coffee Haus flickr meetup and I am glad to discover your blog!
As about the debate, my husband always enjoys a good lively exchange of words, being an Italian, but he was puzzled that Palin was deemed, by newspapers, to have "held her ground". It was equally puzzling to him why news analysts thought the second McCain-Obama debate was a tie.
As someone who once was a big fan of McCain, I'm surprised at how disappointed I have been with him as a candidate.
As for the debates, I'm with you. I think McCain's performance was very disappointing.
The desperate tone of his campaign and the nasty rhetoric he and Palin are resorting to has only served to move more people into Obama's camp.
Can't wait for the next Flickr group meeting. See you there.
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